What is stopping Africa from gaining its food and health autonomy?

Doesn’t this question deserve to torment the brain of every African who exists on this planet?

What is wrong with Africa?

The most fertile lands in the world are found in Africa, the purest waters in the world are found in Africa, the most suitable climate for agriculture and farming is found in Africa, the most effectively medicinal plants are found in in Africa,  the most useful and strategic natural resources are also found in Africa, and the most available spaces for the establishment of factories and laboratories are found in Africa.

Africa does not lack brilliant brains, in all fields, capable of transforming everything and changing the collective destiny of the whole continent.

Yet, it is in Africa that people die of hunger for lack of food; it is in Africa that people feed on waste from other continents; it is in Africa that there is a lack of drinking water, where people are poisoning themselves with unsafe water; it is still in Africa that people die from a simple cold or a slight headache due to the lack of adequate care; and it is still in Africa that the most active people are locked up in the prison of unemployment, poverty and begging.

In view of this macabre observation, is it not justified to wonder what is stopping Africa from taking its own destiny into its own hands? could it be due to the lack of self-love? Could it be a demonstration of self-hatred?

Are African people not capable of offering to themselves the best of themselves?

It notoriously know that the same Africans are highly excellent when it comes to working for other people, either as senior executives or simply as employee, they always give the best of themselves to please their masters, but why can they not deploying the same intensity of energy, of will and motivation for their own interests?

More than sixty years after the “end” of colonisation, Africa which claims to be “independent” is today led by Africans, leaders who are supposed to be sons and daughters of Africa, the very ones who have the moral,  spiritual, cultural and traditional duty to preserve and build Africa to the best.

On the look of things today, can one say that Africa is autonomous? If yes, in what way and to what level?

If not why?

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